
How to Install a Drywall Plasterboard Anchor


There are a few different types of Drywall Plasterboard […]

There are a few different types of Drywall Plasterboard Anchors. drywall anchors are similar to threaded drywall anchors but combine ease of installation with strength. To install them, you simply screw them into the wall and then swing a toggle-like arm out, which pulls them toward the inside of the wall. This process holds a variety of objects securely in place. Toggle anchors are also ideal for drywall applications, since they are easily reinstalled.

Screw anchors come in several different sizes and strengths. Some are specifically designed for use in drywall while others are designed for other substrates. For best results, use an anchor with a diameter corresponding to the thickness of the surface. When installing an anchor, be careful not to overdrive it, as it will likely break off or strip the threads. Anchors with wings can hold from 25 to 55 pounds. Always ensure that the anchor is tightly fit before driving a screw into it.

If you choose a metal anchor, make sure to drill a hole three times wider than the bolt's diameter. The hole should be drilled so that the anchor's head will be flush with the drywall. If you don't have a screwdriver, you can also use a small finish nailer to fasten the anchor flush to the wall. Another tool to use is a rubber mallet to hammer it into the wall.

Self-tapping masonry anchors can also be used. They are inexpensive and readily available. They are the best option when hanging light items on plaster walls. Make sure to use the correct size of screws to prevent uneven placement. If your plaster wall is plastered, use a self-tapping screw to avoid overtapping. A self-tapping screw can suspend up to 20 pounds of weight.

Installing the Drywall Plasterboard Anchor is easy. You'll need to drill a hole and place the anchor. Use a specialized tool to push the center of the anchor's wings out. This is essential because without expansion, the anchor will not work properly. A small screwdriver can work as a tool for expanding the anchor. Finally, you'll need to pull the anchor against the wall after installation.

Toggle-bolt drywall anchors can be purchased separately. Always make sure to use drywall anchors with the correct size screws. Toggle-bolt anchors have a 25 lb. hanging capacity and require a larger hole than the others. However, they're a good choice for pantry shelves and will support up to 350 pounds of weight. To install a toggle-bolt anchor, make sure to drill a hole of at least three quarters of an inch.

You must also be aware of the weight capacity of your drywall anchor. Never use a drywall anchor with a weight exceeding half of its capacity. You also don't want to use a drywall anchor for hanging a valuable item. A better idea is to use multiple anchors for drywall mounting. This way, the weight will be distributed evenly between them and the wall. Additionally, the bigger anchor will hold a heavier object without pulling out of the wall.